A thousand apologies that these did not go up earlier Filip, I uploaded them but must have forgotten to publish them. Hope you like the images. Peter
A thousand apologies that these did not go up earlier Filip, I uploaded them but must have forgotten to publish them. Hope you like the images. Peter
31.7.-4.8.Gymnastický týden
7.8.-11.8.Indiánský týden s vařením
14.8.-18.8. Dramatický týden s divadélkem ROMANETO
21.8.-25.8.Sportovní týden s jogou
28.8.-1.9.Přípravný týden
V 8.20 vyrazime do divadla Lampion na pohádku “ZLATOVLÁSKA”.
V 8.30 vyrazime za rytířem ARCHIBALDEM na Staré Hrady.Návrat v 17hod.