Password test 2

Here is an example of the password protected posts, let’s see what you can see. Please let me know about the following:


  1. If you get the notification email, does it include the picture that is attached
  2. Can you read the post online
  3. can you see the picture online

Kind regards



Last magic trick of the week!

Here is the last magic trick of the week, so we thought we would video it. Hope you enjoy;-)

Coins and Coke – final conclusions

After several days sitting in coke, the children concluded the following

  1. Coke cleans all coins better than water
  2. Real coke cleans slightly better than fake coke
  3. English coin is cleaned better than Czech money by both real and fake coke


We have no butter!!!

We are sad:-( We have no butter for snack.

But it’s OK, we can make butter:-)

Just take some cream and a jar.

Just put the cream in the jar and shake until you get butter. It will take 4-8 minutes. Don’t start shaking until you put the lid on the jar!! You will have milk left in the jar, I used it for my afternoon coffee, but you can do with it whatever you want.